
Learn more about your PERA benefits from the comfort of your own home by participating in a live webinar. You’ll be able to ask questions and hear questions from other PERA members, just like you would at an in-person meeting.

Which meeting should I attend?

Your PERA membership is a journey that begins the day you begin working for a PERA employer. To find the best meeting for you, first select your current place on your PERA journey, then click the appropriate "Register Here" button to select a day and time that works best for you.

I am:

Webinars (all times are Mountain Time):

New to PERA membership and working for a school district or one of the organizations listed at the top of this page?

Short and snappy, our New Member Webinar is perfect for someone checking out PERA’s benefits for the very first time. (If you are newly hired to the State of Colorado, a higher education institution, or a local government, keep scrolling to the Retirement Choice webinar, designed just for you)

Register Here

New to PERA membership and working for the State of Colorado, a higher education institution, or a Local Government?

You have an important choice to make! As a new employee with the State of Colorado, Community College, University, or a Local Government, you may be required to choose between the PERA Defined Benefit Plan and the PERA Defined Contribution Plan within the first 60 days of being hired. To help you with this important decision, we highly encourage you to attend a 45-minute Retirement Choice Webinar, which is a great opportunity to learn the difference between the two plans. (If you are not a new hire, or if you are employed by a school district, this webinar does not apply to you.)

Register Here

Not sure where to start or what you need to know?

In less than an hour, our Benefit Information Webinar delivers what you should know about your PERA benefits (DB Plan), including how to plan now and calculate what you’ll get in retirement and other hidden gems you might not have known about!

Register Here

Considering buying service credit in the PERA Defined Benefit Plan?

Do you have the itch to retire earlier or receive a bigger benefit? If you are actively working for a PERA employer, you may have the option to purchase service credit in the PERA Defined Benefit plan. If you have about 45 minutes to spare, the Purchasing Service Credit webinar is a great opportunity to explore your eligibility, the cost to buy time, and the effect purchasing service credit will have on your retirement benefit.

Register Here

Retiring in less than two years?

Congratulations! You are approaching your career finish line. In less than an hour, the Retirement Process Webinar will help create your action plan for your last year before retirement, walk you through the application process, and cover other things you’ll need to know as you take this important step on your PERA journey: Preparing for Retirement.

Register Here

Interested in a health care plan after retirement?

Health care may be one of your biggest concerns in retirement. If you are retired, or about to retire, you may want to check out a 45-minute PERACare Information Webinar that explains the retiree health care, dental and vision plan insurance options offered through PERA.

Retiree health plans are offered for people under 65 and for people over 65 and on Medicare, so please choose a webinar based on your age. If you would like to cover your spouse and/or child(ren) and some of you are over age 65 and eligible for Medicare and others are not, we suggest you check out both webinars. We’ll cover everything you need to know including an overview of the plans, enrollment opportunities, and paperwork you’ll need to submit.

Health care webinars for retirees and/or dependents under age 65:

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Health care webinars for retirees, and/or dependents over age 65, or about to turn age 65:

Register Here