Host a Meeting

Colorado PERA's Field Education Services staff is available to meet with your employees at your offices, schools, facilities, and field locations to make sure they are well-informed about their PERA benefits. Meetings can be tailored to any length of time and subject matter.

Schedule a Meeting

We can provide PERA information to your employees by:

  • Covering a variety of topics at informational meetings.
  • Attending new employee orientations.
  • Presenting at “brown bag” or “lunch and learn” sessions.
  • Hosting information tables at in-service days, benefit fairs, or the break room.

Field Education Services can tailor on-site meetings for you and your employees. Select from one or more of the following commonly requested topics.

PERA 101

A brief summary of how PERA’s Defined Benefit (DB) Plan works, the optional PERAPlus 401(k) and 457 Plans, and information on additional PERA benefits. (Meeting length: 30-90 minutes depending on time available.)

Ideal For: Members in PERA’s DB Plan at any stage of their career.

PERAPlus 401(k)/457 Workshop

An interactive look at case studies, real‑life scenarios, and retirement calculators to help participants create personalized savings goals, choose an investment path, and enroll in the PERAPlus 401(k) or 457 Plan. (Meeting length: 90 minutes but can be broken into smaller parts.)

Ideal For: Members who want to learn how participating in optional retirement savings through PERAPlus can provide additional retirement security.

PERAChoice—New Employee Orientation

Designed for new employees who have the option to choose between the PERA DB Plan and the PERA Defined Contribution (DC) Plan. Qualified employers include those in the State Division, the Local Government Division, community colleges, and certain positions within higher education. (Meeting length: 30-90 minutes.)

Ideal for: New employees (within 60 days of hire) choosing between the PERA DB Plan and the PERA DC Plan.

Defined Benefit—New Employee Orientation

An introduction for new employees to the rich benefits they have with their PERA DB Plan membership. New employees learn how their benefit is built and calculated, as well as an overview of additional benefits, including the value of participating in the PERAPlus 401(k) or 457 Plans. (Meeting length: 30 minutes.)

Ideal for: New employees in the DB Plan.

Pre-Retirement Planning

Designed to help members close to retirement understand what they need to consider as they enter into their final years of PERA-covered employment. Topics include maximizing retirement income and preparing for unexpected expenses in retirement including health care costs. (Meeting length: 60-90 minutes.)

Ideal For: Members in the DB Plan within five years of retirement.

Other Available Meetings

PERA's Field Education Services staff also holds meetings outside of business hours throughout the state for any interested PERA member. If you are unable to host a meeting or have employees unable to attend a meeting held at your location, please direct them to the “Meetings & Appointments” web page.