Employer Forms & Publications

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Review 2022 plan year information for the PERACare plans available to active members. DO NOT refer to this booklet if you are looking for information on PERACare in retirement.


Information for employees eligible for PERAChoice. It includes the PERAChoice Election and Release Form, Member Information Form-Defined Benefit Plans, and DC Plan Beneficiary Designation Form.

To be completed by participants in PERAChoice who wish to use their one-time, irrevocable option of switching between the PERA DB and PERA DC Plans in years two through five of participation. The form should also be used if a participant wants to transfer their PERA DB account to the DC Plan after the switch.

To be completed by members who are working for a PERA-affiliated employer, but not in a PERA-covered position and who would like to enroll in the PERAPlus 401(k) Plan. Employees should also complete this form to notify the PERAPlus 401(k) Plan of any changes to their information.

A comparison of the Roth and pre-tax options in the PERAPlus 401(k) and 457 Plans. 

A guide for employers on adopting the Roth option in the PERAPlus 401(k) and 457 plans.

Provides information and instructions on how to affiliate with the PERAPlus 457 Plan.

Information if you are planning to retire in five to 10 years.

Information on eligibility requirements and estimated costs of purchasing defined benefit service credit (includes a Service Credit Purchase Application).

Review your options and the forms for refunding or rolling over your PERA DB account when leaving PERA-covered employment. Also review the Tax Considerations for Refunds and Rollovers fact sheet for important tax information relating to your refund or rollover.
