Employer Forms & Publications

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Empower Contribution Reporting Webinar

Must be completed by your employer before you can retire. Please take this form to your personnel office no less than three months prior to your retirement date.

Use this form to have your financial institution certify the plan you would like your Colorado PERA Defined Benefit (DB) plan to be rolled into if you did not complete the Financial Institution Certification section of the Rollover Request-Defined Benefit Plan form or if you have tax-paid money in your account and need certification.

Para los nuevos miembros o los miembros que cambien de beneficiarios, de información de empleo, nombre, dirección, etc. (Si sólo cambia de dirección, puede llamar a PERA en vez de completar este formulario.)

Information on the most frequently asked questions about PERA from active members.

A fact sheet that provides answers to some frequently asked questions by employers on PERAChoice expansion. 

This form is for an employer to complete if they are providing a subsidy for the retiree's health care.

Review an overview of converting pre-tax funds to Roth funds in the PERAPlus 401(k) and 457 Plans. 

Information About Periodic Payments

Complete this form to notify PERA of your intent to hire a PERA retiree as a critical shortage retiree for a BOCES, exempting the retiree from the PERA working after retirement limits.

