Employer Forms & Publications

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Provides information on the benefits to the employer of affiliating with the PERAPlus 457 Plan.

Use this form to authorize contributions to the PERAPlus 401(k) Plan. 

This fact sheet describes the Administrative Appeals process. 

Complete this form if you prefer to have a smaller portion of your PERA benefit deposited into a secondary account (example: a savings account reserved for monthly payments on a loan). To have the main portion of your PERA benefit deposited into your primary account, please complete the Direct Deposit by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) form.

Complete this form to begin making deductions for the Strength in Change Foundation from your monthly retirement benefit.

This form is to be used by the member/retiree to authorize PERA to release confidential PERA records and information relating to the PERA account.

To be completed if you want to allow PERA to release information pertaining to your PERA account to specific individuals/entities. This form does NOT cover release of health care information for PERA members and/or benefit recipients enrolled in PERACare. Complete the Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Personal Health Information (PHI) to authorize release of your health plan information.

Understand the automatic adjustment provision of Senate Bill 18-200.

Esta es la descripción del resumen del plan de los beneficios de PERA en Español.

Review this fact sheet if you are a BOCES employer and want to declare a critical shortage and allow certain PERA retirees to work after retirement and be exempt from the PERA working after retirement limits.

